MUFON of Alabama
March 1990
Coming Out of Hibernation!
Winter (what there was of it) is officially over. With the passing of winter I
expect to see an awakening of interest in the UFO field and increased
investigative efforts. There are a number of events that will be happening
during the next month that should raise public awareness of the phenomena, and
in turn bring us more sighting reports to pursue.
Thanks and Keep 'em Coming
Special thanks this month go out to Paul Grube and Jerry Woody for their
submissions to the newsletter. If you have anything you'd like to share with
MUFON of Alabama members and interested parties please send it to me for
consideration for inclusion in SkyWords. Book reviews, personal experiences,
investigative summaries (with witness confidentiality in mind), etc. are some
topics of interest.
Communion Alert III (yes, again!)
First it was due for release in October of 1989, then release was delayed until
November. We got quite excited by the prospect of a special private screening
for MUFON members by the Birmingham company responsible for its distribution,
but that never materialized. Finally, Communion the movie hit the silver
screen, but not in Huntsville, not in Birmingham, not in Tuscaloosa, not in
Montgomery, etc. As far as I know, the movie never was screened in Alabama!
Now there is a release date of April 4th for Communion the video. Maybe we'll
get a chance to see it at last!
From what I heard from those that got to see it, it's not a bad movie.
Christopher Walken plays the role of Streiber and basically steals the show.
The special effects are not particularly spectacular, and there are a couple of
scenes that fellow MUFONers thought were a bit inane. Regardless, it is
probably worth the two dollars or so to rent the movie and give it a look.
Now, keep an eye out for news of the movie version of Hopkins's Intruders, and
a movie adaptation of the Travis Walton abduction story.
The Gulf Breeze Sightings
It finally hit the bookstore shelves after several delays and a title change.
Ed (Mr. Ed) and Francis Walters's accounts of their fantastic Gulf Breeze,
Florida encounters is now available under the title of The Gulf Breeze
Sightings, initially to have been titled UFOs: Proof Positive. The book is
close to 400 pages long and contains color prints of the controversial Mr. Ed
photos. I will include a review of the book in a future newsletter. There is
talk of a mini-series on television!
Athens State College Parapsychology Foundation
The Athens State College Parapsychology Foundation (ASCPF) has recently
undergone a reorganization effort and a recommitment to its goals of studying
and researching parapsychology and the full endowment of a comprehensive
program of parapsychology studies at Athens State College. Meetings are held
the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month with workshops and special
presentations at various times. This year's theme is "Body, Mind, & Spirit"
and speakers will present a variety of viewpoints along these lines. We hope
that MUFON of Alabama can gain insights from this group into the realm of the
paranormal, and we offer our assistance to them in the pursuit of knowledge
concerning the UFO phenomenon. This "networking" of our special organizations
should prove to be educational!
For more information on the ASCPF, call 881-2267.
Incan Prophesy & the Extraterrestrials
On March 14th, the ASCPF meeting featured Willaru Huayta. Willaru Huayta is a
Peruvian who spreads his message about the role of extraterrestrials in the
origins of man on Earth, and their continuing involvement with mankind. As
"Chasqui Sun Messenger of the Incas", Huayta speaks (channels?) an interesting
tale of how the extraterrestrials seeded the earth with pairs of humans who
founded many of the races on Earth. He proceeds to tell how these races
developed with occasional help from "above", as evidenced by the many artifacts
showing scenes of ancient astronauts.
He ended his talk with discussions of chakras and achieving an inner balance.
As a matter of fact, he stated that if one achieves the desired level of
enlightenment, one would be able to travel space in your very own flying
saucer. Another interesting idea came out in response to a question about the
abduction enigma. He answered by saying that these activities were carried out
by terrestrial beings (from inside the Earth) whose job is to protect nature.
Unfortunately these beings are quite mischevious!
UFO Information Through Telecommunications
by Jerry Woody
Sysop (System Operator) of The Frontier BBS
Massive amounts of information and sighting reports can be relayed almost
instantly with the widespread use of computers and modems. Both computers and
modems have dropped to such a low price level that they are affordable by most
anyone. A person can have a very nice setup for well under $150. Below is a
short listing of frequently used telecommunication terms:
COMPUTER: The actual device for storing and processing information.
A HOST computer, often called a BBS (Bulletin Board System), is a storehouse of
informational files for downloading and message exchange.
A REMOTE computer is a computer used for controling the HOST computer over the
phone lines.
A simple example would be: If you lived in Huntsville, Alabama and you used
your computer (REMOTE) to control a BBS (HOST) in Cullman, Alabama you could
download files and leave messages to other people.
MODEM: This is a separate device that hooks up to your computer and telephone
line. By using a TERMINAL PROGRAM (a computer program that helps link your
computer to another) you can dial an ordinary BBS phone # and your modem will
connect with another modem allowing them to "talk" to each other.
For example, if you had your modem call 1-739-1469, it would call that #,
connect with the modem at the other end, and you would be able to remotely
control that computer.
8/N/1 and 7/E/1: This tells the terminal program how big each Byte of
information should be. To be on the safe side, set your terminal program
protocol to the international setting 8/N/1 meaning 8 bits, no parity, and 1
stop bit. If you need further information call or write the State Director and
either he or I will help you out in any way possible to get you online.
The biggest BBS in the world dealing with UFO's is PARANET. It is actually a
NET (2 or more HOST computers sharing information and messages). If a user
called a Paranet BBS in Australia and left a message, in 24 hours it will reach
all the Paranet BBS's in the world. The Headquarters of Paranet BBS systems
has moved from Wheatridge, Colorado to Las Vegas, Nevada. The Paranet BBS Node
in Alabama is The Frontier BBS (Paranet Alpha Gamma) located in Cullman,
Recently The Frontier BBS joined forces with General UFO Systems BBS to form
MUFONET. G.U.F.O.S. is located in Memphis, Tennessee and the sysop is
Tennessee state director John Komar. MUFONET provides a private messaging
system for MUFON Members ONLY to communicate with each other across the country
concerning MUFON matters and debates. A large database of sightings and
information is available from both systems.
The following is a short listing of BBS numbers that you can call to access UFO
THE FRONTIER BBS 1-739-1469 8/N/1 300/1200/2400 baud
G.U.F.O.S. 1-901-785-4943 8/N/1 300/1200/2400 baud
COMPUSERVE 1-800-848-8199
(VOICE # ONLY.Ask your nearest computer dealer for the nearest
Compuserve #) 7/E/1 300/1200 /2400 baud
PARANET ALPHA 1-702-792-9773 8/N/1 300/1200/2400/9600 baud
If you are reading this newsletter on one of the aforementioned BBSs and would
like to receive a copy of the full newsletter (with goodies that were not
uploadable) please drop me a line requesting your personal copy, or leave your
address in a message via a PARANET node. Jeff Ballard/ Route 4, Box 329-5/
Arab, Alabama 35016.
by Paul Grube
State Section Director
Mobile, Washington, and Baldwin Counties
A new cosmic interloper is making its way sunward for the very first time.
Named Austin by its discoverer, the comet promises to put on quite a show. If
so (comets are unpredictable), its presence in the sky in weeks to come should
be made known to MUFON members for two reasons:
- 1. It promises to be bright when near the Earth - easily visible in the
morning and late evening skies. It should be brighter than Halley was at its
best. - could be memorable.
- 2. Because of its brightness, it may give rise to false UFO reports; MUFON
personnel should be aware of its presence. It should be as bright as the major
stars of Ursa Major (Big Dipper). A tail as long as 10 degrees is possible at
(Tables of Austin Viewing Info and Planning Calendar Follow in Mail-Out Version)...............................................................BJB
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